Oh, my. I have time to sit down and blog for the first time in a long while. What shall I say? How about what pops into my head?
My garden. I have the most lovely garden beds here at Clifford. I've harvested a blue million tomatoes and zinnias, my favorites. I've placed vases of brightly colored flowers on every available surface and given away several boquets. I've made fried green tomatoes approximately twenty times for whomever stops by and for a few of my children who appreciate the finer things in life. I've cooked squash and green beans a few times. I've used my basil and oregano in homemade spaghetti sauce. I haven't needed to purchase a single bell pepper since May. I gave away my first eggplant of the season today. I've included a sunflower in an arrangement this week. The only thing left is to harvest and consume some of the hot pepper Tater wanted me to plant. Two things I planted this year have failed- lavendar and thyme. I suppose I didn't put them in the right location and will try again next spring. Overall, I am pleased and proud of my gardening endeavors this year since transitioning from farm life.
My washer. I had a snazzy Maytag Neptune for which we'd paid a pretty penny which marked my clothes with black stains and actually ripped fabric. When we paid a repairman $100 to look at it, he gave no good advice on how to fix it and as a bonus, told us our dryer was done. Kaput. Finito. So, I invested a ton of cash in an gorgeous LG washer. The only it doesn't do is go to my children's room to collect the dirty laundry and load itself. Rats! I'm still the laundry slave after all, but the results are much more promising these days than rips and streaks after washing.
My work. I'm very much enjoying my job as a wrangler of truck drivers. I've gotten to know many by voice and face, and I've seen them come around to actually considering hours of service instead of ignoring regulations. Occasionally, we run into a mean old cuss, but I'm surrounded by people willing to help when I'm in over my head. It's an occupation where I really do feel like I can make a difference.
My children. I hit a terribly rough patch with my boys, but I'm starting to see some light. Peace went to cross country camp and on vacation and returned a much happier human being. I realized he'd couldn't get relief from the same issues I struggle with without just plain getting away. I'm going to be sure to make space for that always. He's working in a neighborhood grocery store and on pulling himself together to make Eagle in Scouts. Wise One turned the corner back to a positive place after one night of yelling out during a family meeting, "I hate it here. I'm going to find somewhere else to live!" He walked out the door into the rain. When he got tired of the rain he went to Pooh Bear's vaulting shed and went to sleep on her practice barrel for a few hours. He came in with a sheepish grin on his face. A few days later, he told me he was thinking of moving to Chicago when he stormed out that night, but he didn't really know anyone there. He wasn't sure how he'd live. I told him if he ever needed to run away, he might pick somewhere like Grandma's 'cause she'd let him sleep in a bed and feed him. We both laughed good hard belly laughs during that conversation. Today Wise One is rock climbing in the Obed with his best friend. I can't begin to express how much I love that young man. Tater is another story. It seems everything we worked for in counseling and therapeutic parenting has vanished and for me, he's an all out kid suffering with RAD. He practically drips with anger and mistrust of me. I'm not surprised given our circumstances, but I'd hoped and prayed for better. My support people and my soul are telling me it's too much. I'm looking for what might work as always, and holding on for a terribly bumpy ride. Pooh Bear is in a very good place with me. We are hang out buddies who cook, clean, shop, kick back, read, and play together. It's so very lovely to have a nine year old who adores me and whom I adore.
My Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. I'm an so very happy to say the new church I'm attending is allowing me to train adults this summer to begin atrium in the fall. I struggle with giving up teaching in Atlanta and getting together for continuing formation of my own with other catechists, but maybe these things will come again one day. I know when training adults this week, I felt that peace that comes with the prepared environment which beckons the Holy Spirit.
Highlights of late. I held a birthday party celebration for a friend here. We shared a meal and stories in honor of Angel for an evening. A delightful blogger whom I hope to get to know better someday attended. Pooh Bear ate with family at my favorite restaurant on earth, swan in the ocean, visited Raymond's new diggs, and completely enjoyed the foot-stomping Flemenco dancers at Columbia in Florida. I went shopping last weekend and found some pretties with Slesa. Piper and a few of her children spent the night, and words can't express how much her friendship means to me. Claire, Meredith Lee, Lizbeth, and Jo continue to be big supporters of me. I couldn't ask for more.
There is a challenging event on queue this week, but it'll be over soon enough. Still need to sell the farm. Can't wait to sell the farm. It will close some necessary doors for me.
The Gallaudet Library Prank
Gallaudet University is a school in Washington, D.C. dedicated to the
educational needs of deaf students. The appropriately-named blog Library
2 hours ago
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