Thursday, May 04, 2006

Farm Trick

Yesterday a lovely person I'd just met a few hours earlier announced she was able to hypnotize chickens. Intriguing.

My automatic reply to her claim? Of course, "Will you teach my sons? They'd love to learn."

Little did I know that I couldn't get those boys to bed last night or focused on their homeschool today since she taught them her trick. ALL my sons want to do is lead a hen into a dazed state of being.

Wanna know the secret so all you chicken bloggers out there can try it for yourself?

Find a white piece of printer paper and a pen. Place the squawking bird on it's side, holding it's head down with your left hand on the sideways paper so it looks like you are going to trace it's profile on the left edge. Use your right hand to peck the paper with the pen (maybe twenty times) by the chicken's head to get it's attention. Once its eyes focus on the pen pecking, draw a horizontal line across the paper. The chickens eyes may cross a little. Voila!

The chicken is tranced. It may lay completely still or stand looking stoned for the next little while.

Apparently you can do this using chalk or just your finger as well.

How's that for terribly goofy and not very useful, but amuzing none-the-less?


John said...

They say that you can do a similar trick with rabbits, but I've never gotten it to work.

truevyne said...

Sis, Olivia the pig dances. Know the book? It's Pooh Bear's favorite.

John, I don't feel so strange posting about chickens so often reading about and sometimes watching rabbits on your blog.

~pen~ said...

that is hilarious!

man, i wish i had chickens :)