Lane is one PROUD grandma and whips out photos and conversations about this precious new bouncing baby boy with anyone who'll listen. She resides here in TN and I've known her for about 15 years. I ran into her not long ago and inquired about her treasure, "How's that baby boy?". A solemn look crossed her face, and she lets out a long sigh, "True, I'm going to tell you the truth. He's got a rare genetic disease, and my daughter is fixing to take him from her home in South Carolina and live in the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis. The doctors up there will do gene replacement over the course of several months. One of the weeks she'll be there, he will be kept in complete isolation, and she won't be able to see him. Her husband must remain in South Carolina to work and fly up to see them when he can. My daughter is a brand new mother and knows not a soul in Minnesota. Under all these circumstances, I am at peace. I am trusting God to get us all through."
A lump rose in my throat. Why a baby? Let it be me or at least someone who'll understand when they are being endlessly handled, poke, prodded, monitored by strangers in a hospital. I shook off my angry questions and searched my heart for answers. One of the practical sort came to me quickly.
"Lane, I believe you've shared this with me for a reason. I have something I'm going to work on for your daughter. I'll call you when things come together."
On a LISTSERVE I co-own, I'd read Myla's posts without knowing Myla in person. I've found her writing to be insightful and inspiring over the years, and hoped one day I'd have the chance to get to know her. The opportunity came in spades during my time in California this past summer. She attended the same training, and the small group size and presentations for one another created instant intimacy. Sometimes in evenings, Myla and I would cook dinner for one another. She suggested we go whale watching and we had lots of talking time on the trip. This I know about Myla- she is a the kind of person who actively seeks good for others, and a PROUD grandma. She enjoys her new bouncing grandson thoroughly. She and her daughter find joy together in the simplest of coos and kicking of chunky cherub legs.
Myla, her grandbaby, and daughter live in Minneapolis fifteen minutes from the Ronald McDonald house.
You've probably figured out my practical idea for Lane.
Myla and Lane's daughters, though complete strangers, have spoken over the phone a number of times now. Myla's daughter is on the hunt for an extra baby snow suit which are unavailable in South Carolina. The two have plans to meet as soon as the time comes for the trip. The world isn't such a lonely and unknown place when a friendly face is there to greet you.
I do love when things come together.
The Gallaudet Library Prank
Gallaudet University is a school in Washington, D.C. dedicated to the
educational needs of deaf students. The appropriately-named blog Library
3 hours ago
You provided--and I believe you truly were sent to them for a reason.
Praise God! And don't you just love it when He works out details right before your very eyes!
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