Sunday, October 28, 2007

My life as a mother just returned to something more breathable as the soccer season ended yesterday. Three teams. Four players. Six practices per week. And Saturday games here, there, and yonder. All finished. Sports screeched to a grinding halt with one simple exception- once a week swim practice for all at the same time beginning Thursday. Maybe, just maybe, we'll take time to serve at the animal shelter again and cook meals which take longer than 15 minutes for a change. What else did I hope to put more time into when soccer was finished? I can't remember just now. I'm too exhausted to think.


Kate said...

About three weeks left for us... unless they make it to the championship game - then 4. The end is in sight! But it's been fun...
I hear ya on this... although the 15 min. meals has been great! ha! ;)

truevyne said...

I've ruined my kids on sandwiches. They are dying for real home cooking.

Truth said...

The crockpot is my best friend in times like these. I posted a link to your blog on mine.

truevyne said...

I'll need to learn from you about the crockpot recipes. And what an honor to be nominated on your blog! Thank you.