Saturday, July 08, 2006

Change of career

Wise One spent the fifth year of his life being a cheetah. I can empathize, because as a child, I was a horse for an entire summer. I can't remember much about Wise One's cheetah time, because it was four years ago, but I vaguely remember him growling, prowling, crouching, stalking, pouncing after invisible foes.

And one day during that year I got a surprise.

I asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

His answer puzzled me, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a raptor."

I think if he really accomplishes that worthy goal, he'll be worth millions. Don't you? I mean, look at how dinosaur movies come and go like Jurassic Park, Little Foot, and Dinosaur. Wise One could become Hollywood's brightest star!

I've been coaching my oldest son, Peace, who wants to sell vegetables by the side of the road as a career to think a little larger. Perhaps he can aspire to become a Brachiousaurous. Now that's big thinking!


Unknown said...

Selling vegetables by the side of the road - can I have that one if Peace discards it?

truevyne said...

I really did laugh out loud at your comment. I think you'd have to move to a cooler state than NC. Maybe California- it never even rains there.