Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have another book recommendation. Piper gave me the book
with this unappealing title yet amazing content-
Leadership and Self-Deception by Institute Arbinger. It's a business book, and I suppose that explains the dry title. However, don't let that get in the way of reading this gem. The content puts into simple and practical words that which I've always felt internally to be true about relationships. It's like an entire book on living out the charitable assumption.

I was stunned to see human connection being prominently featured as key to a company's success and it's easy translation into regarding all relationships. The insight into behavior and attitude astounded me. I read it in just a few hours, and immediately ordered it's sequel The Anatomy of Peace. Piper says Anatomy even better and a finish to the concepts put forward in Leadership.

If you end up reading it too, please get in touch with me so we can talk! It contains ideas to be shared.

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