Sunday, July 01, 2007

Should I?

I was wondering if I should:
1. squeeze into a blue denim jumper(I'd have to borrow one) and crisp white t-shirt
2. shove my massive amounts of hair under a head scarf
3. lace up my pristine white tennis shoes with starched white socks underneath
4. bring along a ruler
5. put on my schoolish school marm glasses
6. squeal my tires on my way into the parking lot of the little country church just down the road in Loudon, TN
7. slap the ruler sharply on the secretary's desk
8. demand she march out with me immediately into the parking lot to correct the misspelled word on the church sign

In Loveing Memory of...

9. then explain how I irritable I become when someone has forgotten to drop the "e" when adding an "ing"?


John said...

Do it! Slap that ruler around. People need to learn how to spell.

unquenchableworshipper said...

> 9. then explain how I irritable I become when someone has forgotten to drop the "e" when adding an "ing"?

yeah..its kind of like how I get when people use extra words..hehe

hey..can you wear that school marm outfit on our next date?


nancy said...

we received an email from the academic dean of our school. it had several grammatical errors. later she sent out a new one saying she was sorry for all the errors and "mispellings". i couldn't let it pass. i had to let her know that she had misspelled another word.